Subject: Study Design and Methodology
Content: To better understand sex doll ownership, this study employed a mixed-methods approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative analyses. Five in-depth interviews were conducted with sex doll users to explore their personal experiences, motivations, and emotional connections with their sex dolls USA . These interviews provided rich, nuanced insights into individual perspectives that might otherwise be overlooked in broader surveys. Additionally, an online survey collected 131 written responses, incorporating both open- and closed-ended questions. This format allowed participants to articulate their thoughts in their own words while also providing structured data for statistical analysis. The combination of methods enabled the researchers to capture both the depth and breadth of TPE sex doll ownership experiences. The data was analyzed using Mayring’s Qualitative Content Analysis, a systematic approach to identifying themes and patterns in textual data. Quantitative measures were also applied to examine demographic trends and usage frequencies, providing a comprehensive view of the phenomenon.
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